Flubber Base Face Lift
- 6th Jun 2024
- News

As you may have seen our Flubber Base looks a little different. We've had people panicking that she's changed, don't worry she hasn't! She's still the same amazing Flubber Base that you all know and love (as if we could ever change her). But we thought she could do with a fancy new bottle and here's why. Obviously you'll have seen our new Flubber Colour (unless you've been living under a rock these past few weeks!) and we thought it would be good to have the whole Flubber range in the same bottles so they can all sit together as one happy Flubber family looking fabulous on your shelves. But also it's because, as you all know by now, we LISTEN TO YOU. You've been telling us that you would like a brush with a bit more resistance for your Flubber Base to help with application, so here you go! The new bottles have shorter brushes that are more sturdy and provide more resistance than the previous one, this makes them perfect to get that initial really thin scrub layer, and works amazingly well with the medium viscosity consistency of Flubber Base. So panic over, she's still the same but better, you're welcome!!
Much Love, INK xx